Lise Widding Isaksen jest profesorką socjologii na University of Bergen w Norwegii. W latach 2002 – 2006 liderka i koordynatorka międzynarodowego projektu badawczego Globalization and Gender. Care Across Borders. Wśród jej najnowszych publikacji należy wymienić: Toward a Sociology of (Gendered) Disgust. Images of Bodily Disgust and the Social Organization of Care Work, Journal of Family Issues Vol. 23. nr. 7, Oct., Sage Publications, 2002; Gender, Care and Globalization as seen from Norway [W:] Antoinette Fauve-Chamoix (red.) Domestic Service and the Formation of European Identity. Understanding the globalization of Domestic Work, 16th 21st. Centuries, Bern Berlin New York: Peter Lang Verlag, 2004; Care Work as Body Work, [W:] David Morgan et. al. (eds.) Gender, Bodies and Work, London: Ashgate Publications, 2005.
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